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React Native Documentation Update

· 3 min read
Rachel Nabors
Documentation Engineer at Facebook

Last year we conducted user interviews and sent out a survey to learn more about how and when people use the React Native docs. With the data and guidance gleaned from 24 interviews and over 3000 survey responses, we've been able to work to improve React Native's documentation, and we're excited to share that progress today:

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the interviews, the survey, and our documentation efforts! Your collaboration makes this possible.

What’s next?#

The global COVID-19 pandemic has impacted many community members’ jobs.

We are responding with additional content including:

  • New and improved Native Modules guides
  • Introductory content for people coming in to React Native for the first time

You can help!#

There are many ways you can help us write even better docs!

  1. If you see a typo, run into an issue with a guide, or something otherwise isn’t quite right, click that “Edit” button and submit a PR.
  2. Participate in our survey—this helps us understand how you use React Native and its documentation
  3. Write for us! We’re working on a tutorial section as well as guides for topics like offline apps, navigation, accessibility, debugging, animations, internationalization, and performance. If you or someone you admire or know is a perfect fit for any of these, please reach out to me!